Baiju Muthukadan
I own a mini pc with 4 ethernet ports and WiFi. I use QEMU/KVM for virtualization through virt-manager and somtimes I also use virsh command line interface.
To use the network ports from the VM, I add the hardware from the UI as given here: Once it’s added, I update my /etc/network/interfaces with DHCP configuration:
allow-hotplug enp1s0 iface enp1s0 inet dhcp
Recently I updated my PC’s motherboard firmware. The ASUS Motherboard firmware comes with a Microsoft Windows executable program to rename the firmware program file. Originally it came with a generic lengthy name. But that needs to be changed with a particular name and copied to a USB device. The downloaded Zip file contains a Microsoft Windows executable program to rename it. Since I use GNU/Linux and have no access to the Microsft Windows system, I used Wine to execute the program.